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Advisory Dodgeball

By:Rachel Murphy

As both sides of the gym filled, fierce growls and remarks flew back and forth from all four advisory dodgeball teams. It was a quick and tense start as the players grabbed their weapons of choice and hurled them at each other.
    Kathleen Ebner’s advisory was unstoppable. They had won all of the games with unremarkable teamwork. James Amato, had his sad first loss, but told his team, “It’s okay…. don’t be afraid to run to the line and hit’em!”
   Ross Cooper’s advisory stepped up to the plate to face Ebner’s. Cooper’s side made a fantastic play with Steve Baeder getting three men out at once.
   Tom Straub’s advisory had sophomore Jesse Kennedy on their side who made a great effort to help out, and Vigan Pachuku, who was the last man was standing.
   Everyone had positive attitudes and a lot of fun even when they suffered losses. Even the audience was cheering and getting excited.
   Dodge ball is a great way to have fun, while getting hit in the face with a ball. It is also a great way to meet new friends, especially when ten advisories from four different grades mix together in the gym.

2 thoughts on “Advisory Dodgeball

  1. brittney jr October 28, 2009 at 11:33 am

    I think the advisory dodgeball is the best thing ever.

  2. hotstuff October 30, 2009 at 11:26 am

    I really don’t like dodgeball but I think it is a great thing to do.

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